Saturday, January 30, 2010




* XML language is used for define XHTML.

* XML is a language for define other Markup languages like XHTML.

* XML used for describing data.

* XHTML is an application of XML.


Structure of XHTML document


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">






------------------------- Description

/* It is XML declaration. It is required for XML.

It is not required for XHTML. XHTML validator required it.

So it is a good idea to use it. */

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

/* This DOCTYPE element is required by the XHTML.

The second line is optional, but it is a good idea to use it. */

<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


/* The attribute "xmlns" of <html> tag is required.

It tell the parser which Namespace is used in the

XML language.xmlns stands for xml Namespace */

<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">







We must follow above structure of XHTML document, other wise

It show invalid XHTML document when validating XHTML document


XHTML Valuator:



Short Cuts


<hr> </hr> ---> <hr />


* In XHTML all tags name must be lowercase letters.

Uppercase and Mixed cases are not allowed in XHTML.

* But the DOCTYPE tag is in Uppercase, because it is outside the <html> tag.


* In XHTML all attributes must be in quotation mark (double quotes).

This is another difference between XHTML and HTML.

<p align="right"> Hello How are you </p>



-------------- XML declaration

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

* Indicate that this document is used in an application of XML.

* XHTML is an application of XML.

* We must use this XML declaration when the character encoding of

the document is other than default utf-8 or utf-16 and no encoding is

Determined by higher level protocols.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1"?>

* It also specifies the version of XML.

* UTF stands for Universal Text Format.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"


* DOCTYPE specifying which version of XHTML is using, here it is XHTML 1.0.

* DTD stands for Document Type Definition.

* There are 3 versions of XHTML DTD, they are Strict,Transitional and Frameset.

* Here version of XHTML DTD is Strict.

* Strict DOCTYPE is used with Style Sheet (css).

* Three different DOCTYPEs are Strict,Transitional and Frameset.


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Transitional //EN"

" .dtd">


<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Frameset//EN"



<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.0 Strict//EN"



* <center> </center> tag is not support in Strict DOCTYPE.



<p> paragraph-1 </p>

<p> paragraph-1 </p>

<p> paragraph-1 </p>


* Here "p" is called Tag or Container.

* "p" tag ignoring the leading spaces after the opening tag <p>.


* In XHTML and HTML all sequence spaces are folded into one space character.

* In XHTML and HTML all white spaces are folded into one white space.



<p align="left"> paragraph-1 </p> <--- Default.

<p align="right"> paragraph-1 </p>

<p align="center"> paragraph-1 </p>




Block Level Tags and Inline Tags or Elements


Block Level Elements


* <p>, <div>, <center>, <h1> are block level elements.

* Block level elements take block of space on the browser.

* Block level elements not float with in a block.

* <p> tag is special, because it only contains Inline elements.

It not allowed containing other Block level elements.

* <div> and <center> are allowed to contain other Block level elements.

* Some of the Block level elements only allowed containing other Block level elements.

* Look for more details.

Inline Elements


* Words and Images are example of inline elements.

* <img>,<em> are examples of inline elements.

* Inline elements float with in a block.

* We can include the <img> inline elements inside a table cell or

Center tag to change it behavior.

<br />,


Non Bracking Space ( )


* --> Non Bracking Space.

* "SAJU Madhavan" and "SAJU Madhavan" are different.

* "SAJU Madhavan" ---> Contain two words 'SAJU' and 'Madhavan'.

* "SAJU Madhavan" ---> Considered as one word 'SAJU Madhavan'

* Non Bracking Space ( ) is not consider as a white space when

we wrap a text.So not breaking the line or text with

when we wrap a text.

* That is is not a white space.

* If you want a paragraph not wrap, then search replace all white space

with Non Bracking Space ( ), then all the words in that paragraph are

considered as a single word , then we can see that paragraph in a single line.


<br /> ---> force line break or force wrap.

* <br /> is an Inline element, because it float after line break.


Inline Phrase Element


* Phrase Elements are used to give meaning to block of text.

<em> </em>

<strong> </strong>

<q> </q> <--- Quotes(not working in Internet Explorer).

<code> </code>

<abbr> </abbr>

<acronym> </acronym>

<dfn> </dfn>

<kbr> </kbr>

<samp> </samp>

<var> </var>


<p> <em>Hello</em> How are you </p>

<p> <strong>Hello</strong> How are you </p>


Font-Markup Tag or Elements


* Font-Markup element changes the look of the text.

<b> </b>

<big> </big>

<i> </i>

<s> </s> <-- Same as the <strike> element.(draw a line above the text).

<small> </small>

<strike> </strike>

<tt> </tt>

<u> </u>


Headings <h1> --- <h6>


* Headings are block level elements or containers.

* There are 6 levels of headings.

* Search engines like google read the head tag and index the page.




<blockquote> </blockquote>

* The text between this tags are intended both left and right in the browser window.

* Used for intend text.

* We can also use css instead of this element.



<q> </q> <--- Quotes (not working in Internet Explorer).


“ <--- Left double quote

” <--- Right double quote


<q> hello </q>

" hello "

“ hello “

” hello ”


<pre> Element or Tag


* 'pre' means preformatted text.

* <pre> tag display the text in original format without changing it.

* <pre> tags deny the properties of XHTML.

* Inside the <pre> tag white spaces are not consider as a single white space.

* This tag turns off the tendency of XHTML to fold the spaces into one space.



how are you



<font> element


* It is an inline element.

<font >

Hello how are you


font size


<font >

<font size="+2"> Hello </font>

how are

<font size="-2"> you </font>





* There are 3 types of lists.

1) Unordered List (ul)

2) Ordered List (ol)

3) Defenition List (dt)

1. <ul> Unordered List Element


* ul --> Unordered list.

* li --> list item.

* 'ul' and 'li' element have three options to set types,

they are 'circle','square',and 'disc'.


<ul type="circle">

<li> One </li>

<li> Two </li>

<li> Three </li>

<li> Four </li>



<ul type="circle">

<li> One </li>

<li type="square"> Two </li>

<li> Three </li>

<li> Four </li>



2. <ol> Ordered List Element


* ol --> Ordered list.

* li --> list item.

* 'ol' and 'li' element have different options to set "type" attribute,

they are '1','I','i','A' and 'a'

* 'ol' have another attribute called "start", to set starting and it must be number.


<ol type="A">

<li> One </li>

<li> Two </li>

<li> Three </li>

<li> Four </li>



<ol start="10" type="i">

<li> One </li>

<li> Two </li>

<li> Three </li>

<li> Four </li>



3. <dt> Defenition List Element


* dl --> Definition List

* dt --> definition term

* dd --> Definition

* We can use other list inside the definition list.












<ol type="A">

<li> One </li>

<li> Two </li>

<li> Three </li>

<li> Four </li>









a --> anchor tag.

href --> Hyperlink reference.

title --> toot tip.

<a href="" title="google"> Click Here </a>

* Here 'http' is the protocol and 'google' is the domain name.

Attribute 'target' of <a> tag


Set target="_blank" or target="new" to open link in new browser window or tab.

<a href="" title="google" target="_blank"> Click Here </a>

Attributes of <body> tag


vlink --> to set visited link color.

link --> to set link color.

<body link="#FFCC" vlink="#FCCA">



Different Types of URLs


valitive url


<a href="test.html" > Click Here </a>

* Here not specifying any protocol and domain name.

* In this case the browser search in the current location in the

webserver for the file 'test.html'.

Another Type of valitive url


<a href="subdir/test.html" > Click Here </a>

* Specifying a subdirectory in this type url.

* In this case the browser search in the current location in the

webserver for the directory 'subdir'.

Another Type of valitive url


<a href="../test.html" > Click Here </a>

* Search in one directory back from the current directory for the file 'test.html'.

* ../ ---> Means move one directory back.

Different Parts of URLs











<base/> Element


<base href=""/>

<a href="testone.html"> Click Here </a>


* In this example, searching for file 'testone.html' in the base location

'', when we click on 'Click Here' link.

* <base> element give different reference or location for valitive url.

* <base> element specify a location or directory to search for valitive url.

* <base> element directory specification must end with slash '/'.

* <base> element changing the location of current document.

* <base> element is used for change the location to be search for valitive url.

* <base> element is used for change the search location for <a> tag.

* It is used occasionally, when we want to move few pages from one location to another.




<a href="#SA"> Click Me <a/>

<a name="SA"></a>

Fragment link


<a href="#SA"> Click Me <a/>

Fragment Identifier


<a name="SA"></a>


* For creating Link to specific points in the same web page.

* When we click on the Fragment link, the view change to fragment identifier in the page.

* Here we using 'href' and 'name' attributes of <a> tag.

* # --> used for specify fragment.

* Remember, not write any content between <a> and </a> tags in the case of Fragment Identifier,

that may cause problems when using css.


<a href="#ADDR"> Address <a/>

<a name="ADDR">Address</a>

Myaddress here

Myaddress here



<img> Element


<img src="user.gif" alt="picture of user" title="user" width="300" height="200" />

* It is an inline element.

* alt --> this attribute is used for display message

for browsers that not able to display the image.

* title --> tool tip attribute.

* Specifying the width and height attribute in <img> tag make

the browser to render the page quickly.

* The browser first read all html code from the server and creating a layout of the page in the browser. If we don’t specifying the image width and height in <img> tag, then the browser has to load the image and find the width and height before displaying the layout of the page, that is time consuming.

* If we don’t Specifying the width and height attribute in <img> tag, then the browser display the page only after loading all the images to local sysytem,

that take long time.

Attributes of <img> tag


align --> For float image left and right.

hspace --> for make space horizontally on left and right side of the image.

vspace --> for make space vertically on top and bottom side of the image.

border --> for make border.


<img src="user.gif" alt="picture of user" title="user" width="300" height="200"

align="left" hspace="4" border="1" />


How break the text around the image to come next down after the image (inline <img> tag)


* <img> is an inline element or floating object.

* Clear --> This attribute clear any floating object or

Inline element on left or right side.

* Because <img> is an inline element, we can consider <img> as text and treat like text.

*If we break the text around the image using <br /> tag, then the text still be the side

of the image. The text not comes next down the image.

* Because the <img> is an inline tag, we can not break the text

Around the image and put down after the image using <br /> tag.

For break text around the <img> tag use the <br /> tag with

attribute 'clear=left' or right or all'.

* If image is aligned left, then use <br clear="left" />

* If image is aligned right, then use <br clear="right" />

* We can use <br clear="all" /> for left and right aligned image.



<img src="user.gif" width="300" height="200" align="left"/>

some text here some text here some text here

some text here some text here some text here

<br clear="left" />

some text here some text here some text here

some text here some text here some text here





<div> ---> Block level tag for apply style.

<span> ---> Block level tag for apply style.]

Units of Measure







<table> Element


<table border="1">


<th> </th>

<th> </th>


<tr valign="top">

<tr> </tr>

<tr> </tr>





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